Monday, October 4, 2010

Safety Tips and Useful Technology for Seniors

This week we are joined by our Reverse Mortgage Specialist Bruce Parris, who offers some useful safety tips and technology for Senior Citizens.  Enjoy!


I just wanted to share some good information I found about some fantastic new products for senior citizens.  As seniors are living longer and longer these days, it makes sense that there are new technologies being created to help enhance and support independence.
  1. PRESTO - Presto is a service that does not require a computer to use, but allows you to print email messages or photos to your own special printer.  If you want to learn about what's going on in your childrens, grandchildrens, or friends' lives, then Presto is great.  Just ask your son or daughter about it, or you can always visit for more details!
  2. Skype - Skype is a free phone service with video capabilities that makes calls through use of your computer.  This means that free calls can be with anyone in the world as long as you both have the free program loaded on your computer.  My daugher recently lived in London and on our computer screen we were able to see our five year old grandson pull his first baby tooth.  We shared his joy about his first upcoming visit from the tooth fairy.  All you need is a computer with a web cam (most new computers have them built in) or you can purchase one and attach it to your computer).  With Skype you can see your grandchildren while you talk to them.  Just download the program for free at
  3. Jitterbug - Jitterbug is a call phone designed specifically for seniors with a large LCD screen, a large keypad, and a low monthly fee.  Check it out at

Safety is one of the biggest concerns for seniors and their children or caregivers.  Here are a few safety precautions that will help make your home a safer place:
  1. Clear your floors of all small objects such as bathroom scales or doorstops, to reduce the risk of slipping or tripping.
  2. Remove throw rugs.
  3. Install additional cordless phone to avoid tripping over long extension cords.
  4. Avoid wearing loose or floppy slippers or shoes.
  5. Check all stairs and thresholds for loose hardware or carpet.
  6. Since most falls occur on the bottom step of stairs, make that step highly visible by painting it a different color or ensuring that it is well lit.
  7. Hole onto railings, or install railings if you don't have them already.
  8. Keep a lamp beside your bed so you don't stumble in the dark.
  9. To prevent dizziness when you first get out of bed, sit and dangle your feet for a moment before standing up.
  10. Use electric heating pads with caution; you may misjudge the heat.
  11. Check the bathroom.  Put adhesive-backed rubber strips in the tub or shower to prevent slipping.  Buy soap on a cord and hang it around the faucet or your neck.
  12. In the kitchen, do not reach across a hot burner.
  13. Have a large, easy-to-read list of emergency numbers, including fire, police, relatives and friends, near the telephone.
Well, that's all for now.  Until next time don't forget to stop and smell the roses!
- Bruce Parris - Reverse Mortgage Advisor - 214.783.2235
If you have any questions about reverse mortgages, or if there is any way we can help you in your home search, please don't hesitate to CONTACT US and we will get back to you asap!

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